Andelka M. Phillips, ‘The right to insert and add information to my health record – does my doctor need to know this?’ in S Slokenberga, K Ó Cathaoir and M Shabani (eds), The European Health Data Space – Examining A New Era in Data Protection (Routledge, March 2025).
Andelka M. Phillips and Jan Charbonneau, ‘In safe hands? The protection of privacy in consumer genomics’ Health Law Blog Sweden (23 January 2025).
Andelka M. Phillips, ‘Hacking your DNA? Some things to consider before buying a DNA test online’ Health Law Blog Sweden (2 March 2024)
Samuel I Becher and Andelka M. Phillips, ‘Data Rights and Consumer Contracts: The Case of Personal Genomic Services’ in Damian Clifford, Jeannie Paterson & Kwan Ho Lau (eds),Data Rights and Private Law (Hart Publishing, 14 December 2023). Earlier draft available at SSRN:
Video on things to think about before purchasing a DNA test – this is a video that has been created as part of our joint research project – Samuel Becher and Andelka M. Phillips, Fairness and Transparency in Emerging Health Markets: Protecting New Zealanders from the Risks of Personal Genomics – we are extremely grateful to the Borrin Foundation for their support of our work.
Valmaine Toki and Andelka M. Phillips, ‘Artificial Intelligence and Indigenous Rights’ in Benjamin Prud’homme, Catherine Régis, Golnoosh Farnadi, Vanessa Dreier, Sasha Rubel, Charline d’Oultremont (eds), Missing links in AI governance (UNESCO and Mila – Quebec Artificial Intelligence Institute March 2023) 209-228
Samuel Becher and Andelka M. Phillips, ‘DNA Testing is Not “Just Saliva”’ (9 January 2023) The Regulatory Review
Andelka M. Phillips and Samuel Becher, ‘At-home DNA tests just aren’t that reliable – and the risks may outweigh the benefits’ The Conversation (29 November 2022).
AM Phillips, Buying Your Self on the Internet: Wrap Contracts and Personal Genomics (paperback edition, Edinburgh University Press 2021)
Joint chapter with Tamara Hervey: Andelka M. Phillips and Tamara Hervey, ‘Brexit and Biobanking: GDPR Perspectives’ in Santa Slokenberga, Olga Tzortzatou, and Jane Reichel (eds), Individual rights, public interest and biobank research. Article 89 GDPR and European legal responses – (Springer January 2021)– part of Springer’s Law, Governance and Technology Series book series (LGTS, volume 43) and this is available in full open access.
Aan Chu, David Squirrell, Andelka M. Phillips, and Ehsan Vaghefi, ‘Essentials of a Robust Deep Learning System for Diabetic Retinopathy Screening: A Systematic Literature Review’ (2020) Journal of Ophthalmology
Andelka M Phillips, ‘Will My Genes Really Help Me Fit Into Those Jeans? Personal Genomics and Wrap Contracts’ – this is an invited chapter in B Schafer, L Edwards, and E Harbinja (eds), Future Law Emerging Technology, Regulation and Ethics (Edinburgh University Press March 2020). – Please note the whole volume is now available in JStor here.
Jane Kaye, Andelka M. Phillips, Nisha Shah, and Heather Gowans for the UK portion of Country Reports in Ma’n H. Zawati, Don Chalmers, Sueli G. Dallari et al, Country Reports’ (19 Jan 2020) 47(4) Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 582-704 – the open access pre-print can be accessed here
Andelka M. Phillips, Thana C de Campos, and Jonathan Herring (eds), Philosophical Foundations of Medical Law (Oxford University Press, published 21 November 2019) – this is part of Oxford University Press’ Philosophical Foundations of Law series – Please note the whole volume is now available in Oxford Scholarship Online.
Andelka M Phillips, ‘The Age of Personalised Medicine – From Patients to Consumers: The Digital Environment, Clickwrap Contracts, and Implications for Autonomy’ in Andelka M. Phillips, Thana C de Campos, and Jonathan Herring (eds), Philosophical Foundations of Medical Law (Oxford University Press, published 21 November 2019) – accessible in Oxford Scholarship Online.
Andelka M Phillips, Buying Your Self on the Internet: Wrap Contracts and Personal Genomics (Edinburgh University Press, July 2019) – this is the first volume in Edinburgh University Press’ Future Law series. You can download a flyer with a discount code here. – Please note the whole book is now available in JStor here.
Andelka M. Phillips, ‘All Your Data Will Be Held Against You: Secondary Use of Data from Personal Genomics & Wearable Tech’ in Susan Sterett and Lee Demetrius Walker (eds), Research Handbook On Law And Courts – (Edward Elgar Publishing, October 2019). You can download a flyer with a discount code here.
Andelka M. Phillips and I. S. Mian, ‘Governance and Assessment of Future Spaces: A Discussion of Some Issues Raised by the Possibilities of Human–Machine Mergers’ (9 October 2019) Development: Dialogue Section doi: – Sharing link to full text
Andelka M. Phillips, written submission to the UK’s House of Commons Science and Technology Committee for their Commercial Genomics Inquiry. Written Submission to Public Inquiry (CGN0025) UK. Available here
Andelka M. Phillips, ‘Buying Your Genetic Self Online: Pitfalls and Potential Reforms in DNA Testing’ (May/June 2019) IEEE Security and Privacy 77-81 doi:10.1109/MSEC.2019.2904128 -the accepted version is also available on the Privacy Foundation’s website here
Andelka M Phillips, ‘Genetics goes online – privacy in the world of personal genomics’ (October 2018) PL&B International, file link
Andelka M Phillips, ‘Reading the Fine Print When Buying Your Genetic Self Online: Direct-to-Consumer Genetic Testing Terms and Conditions’ (2017) New Genetics and Society 36(3) 273-295
Andelka M Phillips and I S Mian, ‘Governance and of Future Spaces: A Discussion of Some Issues Raised by the Possibilities of Human-Machine Mergers’, discussion paper for Data For Policy Government by Algorithm? Conference, London, September 6th to 7th, 2017. Data_for_Policy_2017_paper_53 – link to conference website
L Kalokairinou, HC Howard, et al, AM Phillips,14 ‘Legislation of direct-to-consumer genetic testing in Europe: a fragmented regulatory landscape’ J Community Genet (2017). DOI 10.1007-s12687-017-0344-2-2
Andelka M Phillips, ‘Märkte für genetische Information’, (September 2016) – translated into German. Märkte für genetische Information | Gen-ethisches Netzwerk e.V.
Andelka M Phillips, ‘Only a Click Away – DTC Genetics for Ancestry, Health, Love… and More: A View of the Business and Regulatory Landscape’ (2016) 8 Applied & Translational Genomics 16-22Only A Click Away
Jane Kaye, Jessica Bell, Colin Mitchell, Andelka M Phillips, and Sonja Myhre, ‘Registries Governance Guidance Toolkit’ (version 2, 9 June 2016)
Andelka M Phillips, Cyber Risk and Connected/Autonomous Vehicles Workshop – A Summary Report for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles workshop held in Oxford 22 February 2016. – this report was made available to conference participants, but it is not publicly available.
Andelka M Phillips, ‘Take an online DNA test and you could be revealing far more than you realise’ The Conversation (12 January 2016).
Andelka M Phillips, ‘Genomic Privacy and Direct-to-Consumer Genetics – Big Consumer Genetic Data – What’s in that Contract?’ (presented at GenoPri’15 (The 2nd Workshop on Genome Privacy and Security) and published as part of IEEE Conference Proceedings 2015) Genomic Privacy GenoPri
Andelka M Phillips and Jan Charbonneau, ‘From the Lab to the Market‘ (2015) GeneWatch 28-3 Oct-Dec 2015.- Link to full issue
Andelka M Phillips, ‘Direct-to-consumer genetic tests – more than just a question of health’ (December 2015) BioNews
Andelka M. Phillips, ‘Think Before You Click’ republished as part of the American Bar Association’s “The Best of ABA Sections” in its GPSolo magazine (July/August issue 2015).
Andelka M Phillips, ‘Think Before You Click – Ordering a Genetic Test Online’ (Winter 2015) The SciTech Lawyer 11(2). Think before you click
Andelka M. Phillips, ‘Direct-to-Consumer Genetic Testing – A Brief Introduction’ (August 2014) SCL.
Andelka M Phillips, ‘A Legal Review of Legislation, Regulation, and Guidelines for the Harmonised Reproductive Health Registries Initiative (hRHR)’ (August 2012) – file available here